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Is your magick not working? Maybe it’s your natal chart!

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:05 am
by Eternal Idol
As I learn more and more about natal charts astrological magick I have come to realize there are reasons why some people don’t have luck with their magick and it could be in their natal chart. For example, if someone has Saturn in their 12 house in detriment, that means you will struggle financially your whole life. You will never have a long lasting relationship if you have one at all because it all means isolation. So do all the money magick you want, Saturn says no. Love magick? Saturn says no….not while I’m in this house! There are lots of other examples depending on placements but anytime you have one of the greater malefics in a bad placement that would be hard to overcome and that’s if it can be overcome! What’s your thoughts on this?