An interesting manifestation

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 744

An interesting manifestation

Post#1 » Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:36 pm

Ive been feeling really shitty for the past week since the begging of the brazilian carnival, for reasons irrelevant to the present thread, and the stagnant energy was building in my apartment. I decided it was time to a clean up.

Purchased some enrolled tobacco, which is meant for heavy cleansening, entered gnosis and charged it untill its spirit and virtue revealed itself. Then I commanded it to suck up all that shitty energy from my place and sealed it. The spirit told me to scrub it here and there, and I felt it really sucking it all, then I tossed it at a local crossroads, a traffic-intensive one.

Next morning, I was walking by the same crossroads and noticed a lamppost broken in a way that only a car coming by the contraflow lane would hit it and crash it alike.

Okay, it wasnt the first time I have seen such manifestation. It wasnt the 10th either, as this kind of thing tends to be relatively common to me. But when I was walking by it at my night's walk, a spirit talked to me: "you wanted to get rid of that energy, we destroyed it"

I touched the lamppost and sealed it for its final destruction. It will certeinly be a hassle to substitute it, in a critical area.

I wonder if I could have handled it in a less intense way that would cause no harm to local infrastructure. I think many immature magicians would be glad to see such manifestations, but when I consider how much hassle it caused to local businesses, perhaps I should consider that as rather as at least a semi-failure: I got what I wanted, but at what cost?

Which makes me wonder: obviously, no spirit is omnipotent. We humans and spirits strife for power and knowledge, and idealy, the magician should be mightier than the spirits he summons, the spirits being just very specialized employees he hires in a specific deal.

Would there be limits to what that crossroads, and consequentially all other crossroads could absorb safely in terms of volume of energy, where above that level it would have to be dealt in such dramatical fashion?

I tend to believe yes, for because if not, any crossroads would have the very same power and impact, and from what I can sense, they can greatly vary in chaos, power and dynamism.

Would love to hear the community input on this one :wub

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