An encounter with the faceless

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An encounter with the faceless

Post#1 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:19 pm

So, it has been a while since I had posted anything.
I do apologize for this as life has been quite hectic.
Anyways, on to the point.

It all began on the beautiful country of Peru, where I was staying for some time due to work related stuff. One night as I was going to bed, I went into sleep paralysis.

As I realized this and thought: "dammit, not this again"
I suddenly hear people approaching, talking in spanish.

"No temas, no venimos a hacerte daño"
- (do not fear, we are not here to hurt you)

I saw then a man without a face approaching me and then putting his hand on my back, as if checking my breathing or looking for something.

Meanwhile I was trying to break out of it by constantly moving my eyes and building up strength to do a quick banishing.

A few seconds later he says :

"este no" (not this one)

"Vamonos antes de que sea tarde" (let's go before it is too late(or maybe it is before it gets late?))

And as they leave, I get out of sleep paralysis and do a quick banishing ritual.

The weird thing is... next morning, the neighbor was found dead.

I wonder if anyone has had similar encounters. One thing I remember aside from being faceless, was their fingers were abnormally long.

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