Brother Moloch on "Occult Self-Employment"

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Brother Moloch on "Occult Self-Employment"

Post#1 » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:26 pm

I thought this was interesting and provocative, relative to a number of ongoing threads. With Brother Moloch's permission, I'm reposting it here.

The original location is:


Occult Self-Employment - CM's Saber Rattling Again!

There seems to be a consensus among certain select “practitioners” and I use that term loosely because these folks tend to be more judgmental worrying about what you are doing rather than what they themselves are accomplishing, running around kvetching over whether or not you or I are making $$$ off our occult work. I know, I know this silly old yarn rearing its ugly head once more instead of otherwise intelligent people just going about normal jobs and personal practice of the occult.

Why this is an issue yet again I do not know. I thought ceremonial magicKians were smarter than this nonsense yet I see they’re merely run-of-the-mill gossips caught up in drama to the point it’s become ridiculous. The fact is there are no rules nor laws forbidding the use of the occult to make $$$ with are there? Even so such a law is called “Denying Yourself A Livelihood” when one iof these laws is enacted. You have the right to study just about any profession there is other than medicine, law or perhaps a mortician but otherwise most professions allow you to study and work them from home and so long as you follow state, federal & local laws there should be no reason why you cannot go into business for yourself. Magic included.

But Is Being Self-Employed Worth It?

This is the $64,000 question and one that only you can answer. It truly has its pros and cons. First off you are your own boss. Let me repeat that you are your own boss. You have to live with your own mistakes, BS, failures, and all of the tedious nonsense that comes with not making the cut which let’s face it if anyone says they never have bad days, weeks or even bad months is an out and out liar. So don’t listen to them or you will find yourself in the poor house soon mumbling a bunch of phony “Rah! Rah!” hype that doesn’t work. As your own boss, you must motivate yourself and stay motivated. Each day is an adventure and you have to treat it like an 8-5 work work day. Much of what you’ll do is custom work whether it’s blend an oil to get it right, create a talisman from scratch, concoct a JuJu bag or say a whole litany of prayers for a single client whose in over their head.

But Wait! There’s More!

When you’re self employed, you’re never done working. Since many of us utilize astrological aspects to our JuJu, these situations revolve around select timings of morning, afternoon and many late night hours. That can mean many missed TV shows or precious time with family & loved ones but the work HAS to be done since you’re being paid for it. You’re also having to constantly make runs to stores to locate and pick up items for spells & rituals, to craft items and ship finished products out to clients.

Further you’re reading and studying to keep up on some things you learned a long while ago yet may have forgotten about. Thus why you keep a library of books even when you have withdrawn the best of the material into your notebooks for use later. Then you’ll have the “help me!” runs where you’re involved making something or doing prayers and you get that phone call to come to someone’s rescue for (insert reason here) which just screws up your whole day and plan.

One top of all of this, your sleep patterns begin to get fubar’d due to being up and down all hours of the day/night for rituals & spells. I don’t go through this myself today being initiated as when I did prior years ago but still it’s a hassle. Then you have to do the accounting – not just your income or all of that lovely headache but also your inventory of what you have on hand at any given time because when you don’t have the Healing bath ready to ship or all the necessary ingredients guess what? Do you get a client who wantst that bath? NOOOOO! You get three clients who want to purchase Healing baths. And one of them wants it yesterday.

And on top of all of this, you still somehow have to continue to hone your own methods and techniques. You also have to explore and delve into new territories and vistas else you will never grow. So you have to determine just how much work you can reasonably take on and deal with. Remember you’re thinking, “Well I’m my own boss so I can work whenever I want!” Uh no you can’t. You only have 24 hours in a day’s time there bub and that’s 1,040 minutes. Hello? May seem like a lot but you know darn well how easy ti is for all of it to vanish when you’re screwing around on the Net, drinking or smoking with someone, watching the tube, taking that *cough, cough* “short” nap, and so many other time wasters.

Being self-employed is not for everyone. Just like all of the McWiccans who want to open their own occult shop. LoL Right! Most of them go out of business because:

1. The proprietor never worked in retail & had no idea what s/he was in for!

2. The hours were too long to deal with. (usually 9 am until 6 pm+)

3. It was boring between customers.

4. it was a lot of tedious, menial, repetitive work

5. You have to sometimes deal with snotty customers

6. The proprietor discovered it’s a boutique business & “Word of Mouth” just doesn’t bring in enough paying customers.

7. Advertising by conventional means is expensive.

8. Opening a retail store on a shoestring budget is a plan for disaster.

9. You can’t afford to pay anyone to work as an employee anytime soon.

10. It takes a LOT of sticks of incense sold to pay the rent.

11. Everyone who walks in the door expects free metaphysical advice.

12. Retail is a grind day in, day out 365 days a year. You have to LOVE it and have it in your blood to be successful at it.

Still most folks who want to be their own boss have never bothered to take so much as a time management course in their life to help them measure, sort quantify & qualify their time which is their most precious commodity. Once time is gone, it’s gone and you can never retrieve it.

But It’s About the $$$$$$, Right?

If $$$$$ is your sole motivation, then no it’s not the right thing for you. You need to find work that truly interests you whether it's repairing bicycles or lawnmowers, cutting hair & doing makeup, being an Uber driver or selling on Etsy, do what you love to do not what you THINK will make you the most money.

Look, Metaphysical work is not for everyone. You have to have this in your blood OR have a calling to it. Some of us have a calling because of our initiations unlike those so-called initiations you get from questionable “spirits” you play around with. There’s a dufus from South America who fancies himself an African Religious Practitioner yet also a “Ceremonial MagicKian” who runs around pontificating on how, what, why and so on about Haitian Vodu and other African spiritual practices. This dufus has only hearsay to go by since he’s not initiated into Haitian Vodu so whatever he has to say is third hand info at best. He may be a construction worker but do you take electrical advice form a mason tender because he too works on a construction site? OR do you ask an actual electrician? If you want to know about Ifa, ask someone who practices Ifa; if you want to know about Santeria, ask someone who practices Santeria; if you want to know about New Orleans Voodoo, ask someone who practices New Orleans Voodoo; but if you want to know about Haitian Vodu, then ask someone who actually practices Haitian Vodu, not some wannabe pretender.

There are pitfalls just as there are working in retail aside from the hassles I mentioned previously:

1. Too Many Clients Vying for Your Time – it may seem the crazy thing but when you have too many trying to hit you up for work, this gets tricky and you need to know when to back off and say “thank you but my plate is full”. Know your limitations. Learn when to be able to tell clients I cannot or cannot right at this time. IF they want you bad enough, they’ll wait until you have time for them. I’ve had some clients wait as long as a year before I could get to them.

2. Clients Wanting the Moon & Then Some – here your client wants it all. Leave nothing out. They send you a long list of desires in a working and they want it all to come to pass. These folks watch far too much TV.

3. Clients Trying to Nit Pick How Your Working Needs to Work – these folks think they’re ordering off a menu and that your spells & spirits can simply give them exactly what they while excluding other things. These clients also watch far too much TV and need to get a clue.

4. I’ve Gone Through X Spellcasters Until I found You! - this is often (though not always) the greeting of financially broke and wishful thinker. Look, I realize a lot of people out there are financially stuck be they on disability, welfare, meager pensions or hell sometimes they’re homeless with zip to their name. Here’s where you have to determine how many of these you are able to and going to help of your own accord. Your resources are not unlimited as candles, oils, and so forth are not cheap so unless you’re one of those who says they do all of their JuJu with their “mind power” then lemme know, I’ll send these folks over to you 'Mr. Mind Power'.

5. Clients Who Want Something Unethical – hey I’m NOT preaching here. Merely saying IF you get a client who wants something you’re just not willing to do or uninterested in doing, then this is a thing and it’s often a semi/regular thing and you have to deal with it. For instance I seem to attract female clients whose men have wandered, gotten some other woman pregnant so the first woman wants me to use my JuJu & Spirits to abort the fetus. If you threw some poor tenants out into the freezing cold then I have no issues screwing you over with JuJu however I'm not going to take your female ego issues out on an unbordn child.

6. You Finish With A Client – and They Want More – this isn’t a really big deal unless you have other clients waiting and as I mentioned in #1, you only have so much time on your plate. So you finish with a client, they’re happy and “Oh by the way….” which is a common thing. You need to be able to say, Okay but back to the end of the line as nicely as possible. Unless you can find that big fish who wants you to just work for him/her alone and be on their payroll. (Good l uck with that!)

Sometimes it's just better NOT to get involved with a client in the first place. That's why I have a list of people I refuse to work for which I've been circulating among select practitioners as a way to forewarn others of people who are hard to deal with (want the moon, nit pickers, require you to contact them daily, won't pay balances, and etc) Why get involved with someone who may have issues when they are a total mess to begin with?

It’s not what everyone thinks about when they make these idiotic comments or statements in groups/chat rooms about metaphysicians doing their spiritual work for $$$$ but rather the fact there's sour grapes at all. So how about you shut the fuck up, mind your own damn business and everything will sort itself out, okay? No one asked you to try to solve a problem that doesn’t exist nor to create one either! You can’t stomach those of us who sell our abilities? Fine. Unfriend us. Ignore us even but stop trying to make this an issue when there is no issue, fool.

Now if you want to make $$$$$ with sorcery, then I highly suggest getting a sales job. Find a good one NOT one of those stupid MLM ones as they’re garbage. Why? Because you don’t need to be worrying about recruiting, training, managing nor motivating a down-line while you are out trying to sell your products & services. Hello? Do one thing and do it well. Let someone else recruit, train & manage. That’s how MLM companies screw you over. Focus on selling. If you can’t sell, the go become a manage somewhere.

Selling is not easy albeit it’s not impossible to learn and do. First find a product/service people need AND want, then find a company who provides it with a 1099 commission package (generous commission structure, bonuses, etc), obtain a position with them (jupiter, Venus & Mercury will be good for this), get trained (Mercury), and start selling (Mercury). You can also use plenty of old time Witchcraft spells like Money Aid, Change My Luck, along with a host of occult oils, JuJu bags, dolls & poppets, candles, images, talismans, you name it. You can even employ things like biofeedback to help you reduce your stress without using drugs (in case your company randomly test), meditation to help you find new clients & ideas, and so on.

So to sum up, there’s no issue at all. Just merely a few rabble rousers who have nothing going on in their lives so they want to stir the pot. They need to go back to their IT/IS jobs or whatever most CM’s do for a living these days, and let everyone else deal with their own work. No one cares about them or their petty issues so they’re trying to make drama. Nothing more. If you continue to listen to these people you’ll get caught up in the hoopla and hype along with their tent revival histrionics.

Brother Moloch 969
copyright January 2019
All rights reserved
Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

If something is hard, do it more. Don't run away.

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