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Mantras, Prayers, Incantations, Etc.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:12 pm
by corvidus
Something I’ve been thinking on for awhile now deals with the potency of mantras and prayers. Here are my thoughts.

To my understanding (which could easily change in the future), a mantra is a formula composed in layers encompassing a seed or a root vibration. A prayer is a formula, similar to a mantra, but instead of encompassing a seed vibration, it encompasses an entity or virtue or ‘God’. In the end, they’re basically structured the same way.

Besides discussion on the functional definition of prayers and mantras, I’m also curious to hear perspectives on whether or not established prayers and mantras are more or less potent than self-designed ones. I’ve read that some mantras loose power if they’re written down.

Based on my experiences, a couple spirits have told me to ‘redesign’ certain established and historical formulas on account of ‘corruption’ by the masses.
Curious if anyone has experienced anything similar.