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Magical Steroids

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:00 pm
by Listener
There appears to be a universal principle within all paradigms that I've studied of something akin to a magical juice buff.

Whether it's in an initiation, a ritual (or both), it looks to me that there is a stated goal in most if not all traditions to take a common person and turn them into something more through the use of what I'd like to call magical steroids. The method may be different in each system, but the principal remains the same.

So what is your favorite magic booster?

What is it's limits? Do you believe that through it you could turn anyone into a magician?

If not, why not? Do you believe it is possible to create a ritual so powerful that you could turn even a biblethumping granny into a lvl 100 spell-slinging warlock?