Necromancy Altar

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Necromancy Altar

Post#1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:54 am

I thought I would share a quick pic of my just completed indoor necromancy altar. I sought to give the effect of a hole in the ground, being the traditional way of conjuring the dead (thanks to Wanderer for putting me on to cairns). The skull is plaster of paris, which is as close to bone as you can get, filled with animal bones, and is set upon a bed of smokey quartz.

Smokey quartz is said to aid in manifestation and is also a nod to the Scottish Cairn from which many smokey quartz are mined. This is surrounded by a wall of onyx, which is said to guard against evil, and which i will add to over time after each ritual as they do with traditional cairns that commemorate the dead.

Iron keys represent the keys to the underworld, and also provide some protection at each quarter for those seeking to draw energy in. It will be dedicated to Hekate this week, who presides over the rituals as Queen of the Underworld through the statue at the back of the altar. A thurible and offering bowl complete the altar.
Your mileage may vary - and that's ok

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