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Doing magic without access to proper place and tools

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:07 pm
by Dellamage
Point is, I have to do a ritual on one of persom. However, because I changed my living conditions not so long ago, I cannot do a proper magic at my new, flat as we are living quite open. Best solution for my purpose would be to make a poppet magic (this is what I actually need), but I cant make an altar, proper poppet and burn a black candle for a few days, as magic is my hidden secret.

Currently what I am doing is using hair, meditating while holding it, and calling the forces which I need, imagining that they are coming to our realm, influencing the person and at the end seeing the person in the moment as if my ritual was fruitful. So generally, I would call is direct magic, and everything is happening in my mind only in full silence. But I have an internal feeling that something stronger should be used :wink:
I also sometimes state my wish with force saying it loudly while driving my car and left there small gift to the forces called for performing my ritual.

I cant even use the candles made only for my spell… but we are burning tea lights often. I meditate sometimes and this is the only thing which will not look strange. But maybe I could use the powers of burning tealights and use their power to have a stronger connection into a spirit world? And instead of making poppet, I could take some fruit, meditate on it (put a spell like “if NN will eat that orange than my wish will become reality”) and give it to eat to my target?

So, as you see, my magic as far as possible from a properly made ritual. All taken together and performed in one place could be a full rite, but I do not have a place in which I could do and store a poppet and burning the candle on it daily…

Any suggestions, how I could increase power of my magic and make it better would be great. In normal conditions I would not ask, but this living situation is quite new for me, so I have to use what I have. Thanks a lot in advance.