Accidentally invoked a demon

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Accidentally invoked a demon

Post#1 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:13 pm

The title seems like the entire post should be problematic but its not. I just need some clarity.

But it begins with a story. It's not long.

Earlier I was reading a bit of Poimandre, or Pymander, and the wisdom he gave to Hermes Trismegestus(I believe, I started in the middle). If Im right about my interpretation of that little part where the Dragon that is mind revealed secrets to him, then Pymander is a god in its own right.

When I was done reading, I began to meditate. I had an experience where this being came to me in the shape of a white/silver rectangular object. I didn't converse, I just acknowledged its presence.

Then later I began to feel sad(unrelated) about something and I closed my eyes. When I did I saw a huge dragon encircling me in a warming gesture. It felt quite nice. While that was happening I heard/saw in my minds eye "intermingling of souls". I believe that this being wanted to intertwine souls. I'm not too sure about that though.

The issue is, I accepted the spirit in my heart and then I saw/heard/ Well basically it communicated to me it was Paimon. Instantly the name rung a bell. As if Ive known that name.

So I did a quick google search(thank god for google) and learned that Paimon is a King of Hell.

So I go "hmmm... A king of hell cuddled with me".

I just need some clarity in this situation. After I found out the identity of Paimon I began to get nervous. I believe it's because I have a negative perception of Hell and Demons in general and am quite willing to admit I'm very noobish when it comes to the subject(s).

So my question is... Does anyone here know any information about Paimon first hand? Would you be willing to share your experiences? Was it a similar one? And does this sound about right, or does it sound wayyy out of the ballpark?

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