Healers - what do they do with nasty things?

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Healers - what do they do with nasty things?

Post#1 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:39 pm

This is a follow up of another thread from Black Magic section because it was also S+As idea and I think it would be interesting for many of us.

OP from that black magic thread thought that passing cancer from one person to another was a way to get rid of it.

As an alternate method I suggested to dig up a hole where to burry it, and S+A suggested a method of sending it through the bridge and destroy the bridge after it went through.

So, nasty things like cancer, what methods can we use to eliminate them?

1. Transfer it to another
2. Burry it somewhere
3. Eliminate it through visualisation
4. Transfer it to yourself
5. Send it where it came from
6. Send it somewhere in cosmos
7. Make it somehow benevolent
8. Make it disapear and who cares where

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