Removing Christianity from the Grimoires

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Removing Christianity from the Grimoires

Post#1 » Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:16 pm

As a Draconian and Left-Hand Path magician, I tend to disregard all the Judeo-Christian prayers, orations, and invocations from grimoires such as The Goetia and prefer taking my own approach, learned from various left-hand path groups and traditions, when evoking the spirits listed in such grimoires.

My reasons are far deeper than just "because I'm not christian" or any sort of rebellious urge. First off, I sincerely affirm and accept the fact that the spirits of the Goetia are merely demonizations and corruptions of Ancient Pagan Deities that the desert religions enacted in order to efface these long lost traditions from the face of the Earth ,therefore we shouldn't approach these Gods with cursing and binding but rather with reverence and awe. Second, if they are ancient pagan deities, then why should we be using desert religion methods to conjure them forth? Third, I have been studying Kenneth Grant very deeply, and feel that the spirits of the grimoires are truly the "Great Old Ones" that we must reconnect to if we wish to inaugurate the evolution of human consciousness, so the whole "circle and triangle" thing is a bit much to me. I prefer direct trance work, since this is the best way to obtain Gnosis.

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