No More Canned Spells Needed: How To Create Your Own Spells & Rites

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Adeptus Minor
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No More Canned Spells Needed: How To Create Your Own Spells & Rites

Post#1 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:44 pm

Step One: Determine Your Outcome!

Ask yourself, “What do I wish to accomplish?” because most people who work from spellbooks are interested in them for the following reasons:

1. Speed of finding what it is they need
2. The spell is pre-planned for you already
3. Words, if any, while may be canned are there
4. Brevity
5. Cheaper and saves time

In looking at this, it’s sort of like folks who eat out a lot versus those who choose to stay in and cook at home. If I go out to eat, there are all sorts of reasons why I should do that versus the hassles of cooking and the cleanup. However when you eat out you don’t get the pleasure of saying, “I made this myself”, the food is more expensive than if you grocery shop and cook and caloric intake is much higher for eating out due to not only ingredients but also portion sizes versus what you can control in your own cooking and dining at home.

The idea is there are pro’s and definite con’s to just buying someone else’s pre-planned spell books. Folks have often asked me why I have never put out a spell book as such and while I (ocasionally) share spells online not to mention put them in my own books, the truth is I would rather publish a few to give my readers something to think about and chew on while they’re using them so that when they get bored, they can create newer ones based off the ones I gave.

Again though more often than not folks buy these pre-printed spellbooks because they can quickly find subjects like Money, Jobs, Love, Revenge, Uncrossing, Success, Happiness, Healing and so forth. This is usually because we live in a society where everyone is in a bloody hurry all the time. No one wants to take the time to think about what it is they want then create a ritual to get what they want because gee, that’s too much like work.

Well if you’ve come this far, you’re not like those and you want to know what it is you desire. Let’s say it’s ‘friendship’ because you’re tired of being alone. You hate school because your parents refuse to listen to you, nor will your teachers, nor do the other kids ‘cause they all think you’re weird or some dweeb just because you’re different and like the occult. Sad to say this is all too often.

Okay so the outcome you desire is:

To make some new friends at school so I won’t be lonely there anymore

That’s worthy and I cannot find any spirit be they of any stripe, color or demeanor who would argue such a thing is a bad idea. Thus there is no reason to fear any sort of reprisal from anyone or anything regarding this working.

You may have noticed that I added "won't be lonely there anymore" to the sentence and might be wondering why the odd grammar. Well that is because the goal is to find a friend or friends at school where you feel most vulnerable and it is presumptuous of me or anyone to presume you do not have friends at home, next door, on the next block, at church or synagogue or somewhere else. Yet school tends to be one of those places where people can be most vulnerable be they a high school or university level student thus the idea of this ritual as well as the way it is worded.

Step Two: Research!

Ah yes, the fun part. And really it IS the fun part because you’ll be reading through books which you can borrow from your school library. Typically these books will be on myth, legend and folklore not “magic” thus there should be no red flags thrown up.

Friendship is an aspect of love in case you were wondering. It really is. This is why love magic is so much more than merely ensnaring the heart to get married or to get laid. Yet people seem to forget that friendship is a large part of love because after a while, real friends have strong love feelings for one another - not in the romantic or sexual sense - rather in the friendship and “You help make this world a better place” sense.

Looking at various mythological resources such as Larousse, Time-Life, and others, it’s not difficult to find plenty of material out there on spirits - both deities and non-deities - of love. Since many of you will refuse to visit a library and choose rather to use the Internet, then you need to learn which sites are worthwhile.

When it comes to mythology, the Greeks have an extensive mythology that is second to none save perhaps the Egyptians. Thus I highly advise you start to work with the Greek myths and research which spirits are good for love. Of course you may find the goddess Aphrodite at first try and while she is terrific, Aphrodite tends to be more interested in romantic relationships than interpersonal friendships. The sea nymphs called the Nereids would be ideal for this task since there are 50 of them and they are the daughters of the Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea. You can find this listing at:

which happens to be a decent website for Greek mythology as it pulls information from Hesiod, Homer, Ovid, Virgil and others who wrote about the Greek myths and legends.

Now in our research of the Nereids, we come across one name that has to do with “schools of fish”, Leagore according to Hesiod. This is good because part of sorcery is sympathy and since you’re in school, the idea is hopefully to find someone at your school who you can be friends with. We know from further reading on the site that Leagore means “assembler” which is helpful since when you attend school you are attending an assembly of others like yourself. Thus Leagore seems ideal for this purpose since

1) She’s a Nereid (who are known for their powers of love) and

2) She governs schools and assemblies

Now you may be thinking, “That’s stretching it a bit, Moloch” but in truth, very little in ancient times relates today to our complex modern world. Do you think there were schools back then and if so they had the same social complexities kids today have? Highly doubtful thus it behooves one to stretch their imagination a bit when trying to look for spirits who may be in sympathy with your desire or request.

We also know the Nereids were the children of Doris and Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea thus we can use that in our invocation. Further we know the Nereid’s home is the Aegean Sea so again that can be used in the invocation. And we also know dolphins were sacred to the Nereids since they were often depicted as riding them in Greek art. Pictures are worthwhile for invocations if for nothing else as a focal point for the practitioner.

It helps when performing a summoning to use a poem, a liturgy or fragment of a story that either belongs directly to the spirit(s) you wish to summon and work with OR as close as you can come. The Greek myths have Orphic hymns and yes there is a hymn to the Nereids which we will most definitely use for our purposes.

Orphic Hymn 23 to the Nereides (trans. Taylor)
(Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.):

Daughters of Nereus, resident in caves merged deep in sea, sporting through the waves; fifty inspired Nymphs Of the Sea (Nymphai Einalioi), who through the main delight to follow in the Tritones' train, rejoicing close behind their arms to keep; whose forms half wide are nourished by the deep, with other Nymphai of different degree, leaping and wandering through the liquid sea. Bright, watery dolphins, sonorous and gay, well-pleased to sport with Bacchanalian play; Nymphai beauteous-eyed, whom sacrifice delights, give plenteous wealth, and bless our mystic rites; for you at first disclosed the rites divine, of holy Bakkhos (Bacchus) and of Persephoneia, of fair Kalliope, from whom I spring, and of Apollon bright, the music's king.

~ Source:

There are numerous images of the Nereids as well from vases however most of them don’t seem to fit our needs so we’re going to go for the first image on the Theoi website which is of a Nereid (possibly the mother Doris) lounging against a dolphin and attended to by an octopus.

Above is a Nereid nymph is borne across the sea by a dolphin. She is adorned with a spiked tiara, necklace and bracelets and holds a mirror in her hand. An octopus floats beside her. This image will suffice for our needs.

Now with the research done, all we need to figure out what sort of items we need for the ritual.

Step Three: Ritual Materials

Since we already know dolphins are sacred to the Nereids, toy dolphins, ceramic dolphins or even the tchotchke type dolphins you’d find at souvenir shops for tourists would be ideal. Check your parents or grandparents especially anyone who has traveled to Florida for such an item. Even if it says Welcome to Florida on it, if there’s a dolphin, use it on your altar set up. The Moon is our ideal planet for work with the Nereids since it is closest to the earth and has a direct effect over the oceans and life in the sea.

Unfortunately, when we look to Agrippa, he gives Mercury for the Water element because mercury is a liquid. Agrippa does not give any correspondences for the four elements of air, earth, fire and water as he instead suggests planets for each of the elements. Thus when we wish to use a particular element’s attribute, we look up the planet corresponding to it then use that. Since Mercury is used for the Watery element, this is what we’re going to find:

Incense composition: mastic, frankincense, cloves, cinquefoil, cinnamon, orange peel, bayberries and hemp seeds

[Note it may be difficult to obtain all of the ingredients for the incense thus if you can do your best but at the very least try to obtain at least three ingredients to make it. Agrippa suggests “odiferous seeds” which is a 15th century term for ‘morally offensive’ or something that doesn’t smell good when burned. If you cannot obtain hemp seeds, then find something else as offensive when burnt. Thus say cinnamon & mastic with some nasty smelling seeds burning with the previous mentioned two ingredients should make a decent fume for our work. Again ideally all of the ingredients would be superb however do the best you can and try ordering online from suppliers who have sample packets to offer.]

Birds: nightingales, blackbirds, parrots - see if you can obtain an image, toy or statue of one of these to place on the altar for the ritual

Plants: seaweed, coral

Metal: silver - good for all planetary attributes [thus the element of Water by default]

Step Four: Ritual Procedure


In general, this ritual would be ideal to perform when the Moon is either in her increase or when she has culminated at the full of her Moon. The day is immaterial though ideally, Friday would be best. Astrologically speaking the ritual would work best when the Moon is not afflicted by either Saturn or Mars nor had some square or opposition from another planet. Also astrologically speaking, you really don’t want the Moon when she is in her detriment either meaning when she is in her fall in a sign. To determine the astrological details, consult a good ephemeris or ask a qualified astrologer who happens to understand medieval or Renaissance astrology and NOT modern (post 1900 c.e.) astrology.

Altar Setup

Take and print off the above Nereid image. Size is unimportant but it would be fine to make it about post card sized. Flip the image over and on the back, write your ritual intention, “To make some new friends at school so I won’t be lonely there anymore” then lay it on your altar so that you’re facing East. If you have the images or statues of a bird &/or dolphin, add them to the altar - where is unimportant but they should not interfere with your work rather just be in your direct line of sight. For the piece of silver, a real silver coin is acceptable so you can use one of those. Lay it where you wish. A piece of coral and/or some seaweed would be ideal. You can put the seaweed in a bowl of water and place that on your altar as well.

Further light your incense briquette, allow it to get hot, then place a small amount of the incense on the charcoal briquette and let it smolder.

Ritual Beginning

Begin by facing East, rapping your knuckles on your altar 3 times and say,

“Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh! Adonai Tzabaoth! Let the light of the heavens shine down on this altar and illuminate my eyes so that I may see through the darkness and see my desire come to its rich fruit!”


“Father Nereus, Old Man of the Sea, with thy beautiful Nereid wife, Doris, who begat fifty lovely Nereid daughters in the Aegean Sea, riding dolphins and playing in the depths and waves, I ask for you to send one of your children to aid me in my hour of need. I am lonely and seek friendship at school and so ask you send your daughter, Leagore, to help me. Thank you.”

Recitation of the Hymn to the Nereids

"Daughters of Nereus, resident in caves merged deep in sea, sporting through the waves; fifty inspired Nymphs Of the Sea, who through the main delight to follow in the Tritones' train, rejoicing close behind their arms to keep; whose forms half wide are nourished by the deep, with other Nymphai of different degree, leaping and wandering through the liquid sea. Bright, watery dolphins, sonorous and gay, well-pleased to sport with Bacchanalian play; Nymphai beauteous-eyed, whom sacrifice delights, give plenteous wealth, and bless our mystic rites; for you at first disclosed the rites divine, of holy Bakkhos and of Persephoneia, of fair Kalliope, from whom I spring, and of Apollon bright, the music's king."

Summoning of Leagore

Knock again on altar three times with your knuckles. Touch the image of the Nereid you printed off laying in the center of your altar, then say:

“Lovely Nereid, daughter of Nereus and Doris, I call out to you, Leagore, from your home in the Aegean Sea, to come and hear my prayer! You who oversea schools of fish, I ask that you attend me to give me advice, help and anything else that may assist me in trying to make life easier for me at my school because I am unhappy and without friends. Please Leagore, give heed unto my words and prayer. You who govern schools of fish, help me find solace and friendship within my own school. If thee is something you wish for me to do, please come to me in a dream and tell me so that I may remember it when I awaken. Thank you mighty Nereid Leagore for taking time to listen to me. May there be peace between thee and me forevermore.”

Repeat the above summoning four times in all - once per direction by facing East, then turning right to face West, then turning left to face North then turning right to face South. When finished continue...

Invocation of Thanks

“Father Nereus and Mother Doris, thank you for heeding my call and sending your daughter Leagore to listen to my prayer and help me with my loneliness at school. I wish forevermore for peace to remain between thee and me.”

Rap your knuckles on the altar 7 times indicating the ritual is ended. State aloud:

“This ritual is duly ended. Thanks to all attending spirits and I release any spirit held by its efficacy. May peace always be between thee and me. Blessings to you all.”

[Note: Take a small piece of the seaweed and dig a small hole in your backyard (or a potted plant - if you live in an apartment/condominium) and bury it. This will finish off the spell and earth the power for you.]

The Original Sorcerer
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