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What Are Shadow People?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:11 pm
by YuLing144
I'm alway intrigues by ghosts because my sister and cousin use to see them when they were kids, but I never have any encounter with them until last night.

So I was going to the bathroom late at night when I saw a dark humanoid figure at the end of the hallway. I can only see its upper body since its lower body seem to be merge with the shadow. I froze because I thought its a burgler. Then the shape melt into the darkness after a few seconds. I turn on the light and search the whole house, but found no one. I slept with the light on last night.

What do you guys think shadow people are. Are they the same as ghost? Appearance-wise, they seem different than ghost. When my sister saw ghosts, they appear similar to living human except they fade away almost immediately. The shadow person I saw doesn't have a hat or red eyes and it seem neutral.