Best Magick recommendations to help self and others

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Best Magick recommendations to help self and others

Post#1 » Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:00 pm

I have gotten more and more into reading various books on Magick (some New Avatar Power, Gallery of Magick books, and a wide variety, really). Had already been doing some stuff like studying remote viewing, astral travel, meditation, energy healing, etc. for years. There is so much to read and then attempt rituals, etc.
I guess I should State up front that my perspective and goal is that primarily want to be more empowered to help myself and others, continue to grow and improve in every way. I would only want to use Magick in a destructive way if it was a self-defense mode (not just physical, but emotional, mental, technical privacy, etc.) or to protect someone else from being maliciously attacked. I have absolutely no desire to be "famous" or have a fancy sports car, or a mansion...but some more money would be nice just for the freedom it gives a person to work and play at other activities, travel and so on.

I actually felt some inner tension in realizing that I did want to also develop some destructive capabilities as I am more geared towards wanting good, loving, positive outcomes and goals. But I had to come to terms with the fact that there really are some mean, perhaps evil, people in the world who don't always leave you alone to pursue peace, love and happiness.
So...from your experience--are there a handful of books and/or spellwork that you recommend?

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