An Invocational Verum Practice

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Moonlit Hermit
Adeptus Exemptus
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An Invocational Verum Practice

Post#1 » Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:33 pm

I have been working with the True Grimoire for more than two years at this point. Another thread about someone’s practice with this book has inspired me to share a bit of my own practice.

Disclaimer: This is all my own opinion. Things may be different for you if you were to try the same thing. Treat this as me relating my experiences. Do not take this as instruction. As you will read, I am full of solipsism which would not be inaccurate to criticize as potentially delusional.

An invocational style spirit work is quite different from how the practice is portrayed in the grimoires. This is personal and I haven’t tried to base my practice on any one paradigm. I have yet to do a formal evocation of any of the spirits of the Grimorium Verum. I don’t draw circles, I use very few tools, and I never banish. Why would I do this? Mostly because it fits well with my personality; it is the kind of work I am most apt to do and keep up with. Also my lifestyle is such that a permanent, indoor shrine at which I can burn incense is unfeasible. But beyond that all my life I have heard conflicting accounts from people working with (and against) these spirits. Are they evil demons, are they elementals, are they beneficial deities from ages past? I wanted to contact and experience their energies without the expectations, preconceived notions, and cultural baggage these spirits are saddled with. In my mind the only way to do that was to call them, welcome them, and see what I got.

Essentially this method is comprised of invocations, prayers, contemplations, and offerings. Part of the point is to fill one’s sphere of influence with the vibration of the spirit or spirits in question. It can be likened to monastic devotion. But I do want to be clear that it is not worship. I am not a Demonolator, nor do I subscribe to a path, left handed or right handed. As in the style of the True Grimoire when I pray I pray to Almighty God. This is slow, slow work but deep and at times intense.

The events and tenor of one’s life become of the benchmarks and gauges of success. There have been joys and there have been sorrows and pain in response to my various actions. But at no point have I felt that I was being influenced by “evil” nor have I felt my life was being ruined. I feel this is the spiritual work I am supposed to be doing and I will continue until I have a good reason to stop.

Feel free to question, criticize, and otherwise comment how you will.
Meegius, Betzahuach, Vacdez, Nufeneguidez

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