Working with Michael and Vassago

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Working with Michael and Vassago

Post#1 » Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:23 am

Most of the work that I have been doing for the past year has been with the planetary angels. For the past three weeks, I have been also working with Vassago on a series of predictive experiments. Before I started to work with Vassago, I asked Raphael if I would be safe and if I would be successful. I drew two cards. The first card said that I was protected and the second card said that I would be successful.

When working with spirits, I use three ways of communicating: cards, dice, and dreams (and omens sometimes). After working with Vassago for these last several weeks, I get the feeling that he doesn't usually communicate through dreams.

One of the angels that I work with on a regular basis is Michael. I evoke Michael almost every Sunday during the hour of the Sun. During the evocation, I present Michael with an offering and I ask for guidance and help in my life.

Last night I was reading in one of my occult books on Hoodoo that Michael does not like to be called on when one is actively working with demons. Even though Vassago is classified as a demon by the Lesser Key, he certainly doesn't feel like one.

Has anyone had problems working with both Vassago and Michael during the same period of time? Does anyone foresee any sort of conflict because of this? Do you think that Vassago is a demon or different type of spirit that was mistakenly classified as one?

I plan to ask Michael today, but I would be curious as to what others have experienced.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

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