When entities approach you

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When entities approach you

Post#1 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:03 pm

Recently my lucid dreaming has gone through the roof and I seem to be visited by a number of entities at the moment. In my daily elemental breathing and visualization meditation a Buddha inserted himself some time ago at a specific point in the meditation - I have sat down with him, meditated with him for a while before continuing my meditation path, we greet each other as friends but he doesn't say much.

And for the last couple of nights Hecate has been visiting before I go to sleep - the first night was a vision of a spectral crone wise woman holding a torch and a dagger - the second night she returned and we had a conversation on a few things and she wants me to work with her.

And then weirdly a wizard last night telling me I didn't need to choose work in any dedicated way with anyone but be grey and work with everyone as you need to (and then I find the current patron thread here this morning.....). A couple of weeks ago an entity suggested I approach Lucifuge. In between this I am getting a range of random entities jumping into my lucid dreaming sessions that I do for half an hour each day. So at the moment I feel a little like the image of the 7 of cups (rider waite version ;) ). This morning I did a tarot divination on whether I should work with Hecate and got the following:

nine of pentacles
the Chariot
six of cups
Queen of cups
Ace of cups

This is a very favorable reading to me, especially culminating in the Ace of Cups - (my divination for years has been to draw 4 cards to with the first being current state of affairs, and then an evolving consideration of the question with the fifth card being the outcome). So working with Hecate seems like a good thing to do. Both Hecate and Lucifuge are darker entities - the latter being darkness itself, and both are initiators. As I am interested in balance and embracing both my light and dark, I intend to sit down with both of these entities, and have had some sage advice already on how to approach Lucifuge if I choose to do so.

I guess this is a very long winded way of saying - I am interested in others experiences of entity approaches that happened to you at a certain point in your practice where you hadn't approached them but they approached you - and if so how did you respond and, if you can say, what happened?
Your mileage may vary - and that's ok

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