Essay on the nature of Qabalah

Qabalah, Kabbalah, Cabala, Gematria, Tree of Life Path-working, and light Philosophical / Religious discourse.
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Essay on the nature of Qabalah

Post#1 » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:03 am

The Purpose and Characteristics of a Noospheric Operating System


The best way to understand the purpose and characteristics of a Noospheric Operating System (hereby referred to as a NOOS {noohs}) is to use throughout this essay an analogy to operating systems found on modern computers. In fact, the analogy of the computer is so analogous to the way our Brains process information that we can go so far as to say the computer and its modes and means of functions can be said to be a reflection of our inner psychological processes. It is important to understand that the advantage of our Brain, which can be thought of as a computer with which Consciousness can interface with reality, is that the brain has a characteristic known as neuroplasticity. This allows your brain to evolve in real time and also allows the actual circuitry (your synapses and neural net, etc.) to change depending on what types of thoughts are being processed inside the brain itself. Thoughts in your brain are nothing more than information. Information and especially the personal perception of that information, will not only affect the way and how your brain is wired, but will actually affect the types of chemicals every single cell in your body is receiving.

The beauty of being a human being is that the nature of our brain includes a highly developed neo-cortex, and especially a frontal lobe. What this amounts to is self awareness. There is not a pre-given world which is merely reflected. The world that any given observer exists in is dependent on the nature of the observers perception itself. This perception affects all levels of our being. It is important to understand the difference between sentience and self-awareness. Self-awareness is an emergent development, seen in very limited ways in advanced mammals such as dogs, horses, and especially in apes. More developmental self-awareness can be seen in Dolphins and Blue Whales and has seen its frothy edge of emergent evolution in the terrestrial human being.

Sentience on the other hand, means to be endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness. Sentience refers to the ability to feel or perceive subjectively, not necessarily including the faculty of self-awareness. It is important to understand that at a minimum the biosphere, life itself as we know it, is sentient. This means that every single one of the community of cells in your body is a sentient being. Each cell is endowed with the ability to feel, and make choices based on those perceptions. A group of sentient but non self aware beings will have its actions and orders structured in a higher emergent single structure. In the case of cells, the brain. We shouldn’t be caught in the fascist analogy that eventually this type of hierarchy will apply to culture and social structures. The social holon follows different rules than a single holon.


Emptiness is the opposite of Form. The simple state of pure being is their union into the experience of a non-dual reality.

"It Is"

There is no need to go further than this, an already perfect universe, until the development of the neo-cortex and the very human frontal lobe. The ability to self-reflect creates our first duality. Our deepest inside is emptiness, and what is outside of emptiness is form. Emptiness and Form do not exist separately unless there is an observer self-reflecting about that which is not two. Emptiness perceives Form, and this is the observer. Our bodies see through the use of a physical eye (in a purely physical sense), so to does emptiness use a lens to perceive form. Without this lens, emptiness and form remain not two and not one; non-dual. If separation is perceived, then a lens is in use.

In a physical body, i.e. human beings, the lens is hardwired into the Brain (as hardwired as anything ever is in the brain, see: neuroplasticity). Since the lens you receive in the early stages of your life comes from your parents, mostly, it is important to understand this lens in its entirety or suffer from a Brain that is "programmed" other than you may want it to be. We need not speculate about other forms of programming, it is only important to ask yourself one question: "Am I in full control of the program my brain is running"? Simply put, if you are unaware what it means to exist as emptiness, the answer is no you are not in control and are in all probability being manipulated.

The lens, as we have called it, is a core set of beliefs. Other names for this lens can be "paradigm", "program", "operating system", "pre-conception", "perspective", etc. etc. It is important to understand that the quality and character of this lens is the unified field of energy into which all forms manifest. Anything entering your field of awareness will only take shape based on the basic principles and qualities of your lens. The lens itself is "The Matrix". We have differentiated the non-dual reality, within which "everything is", wholly real, and wholly empty, into a division of emptiness, lens, and form. Without the lens(the matrix), emptiness and form are not two, and not one.

A lens is best expressed as perspective. When the lens is studied and modified with awareness of its use for observing forms, it becomes known as an "operating system". Just as the human brain learned how to self reflect, an operating system is the way of consciousness to have an experience. Both of which are unnecessary in terms of a harmonious universe, but need to be embraced as evolution, and learned as a technique for continuing this harmony of the universe in ever increasing fullness.

Self-awareness is divinity. Divinity is the ability to create freely and infinitely. An operating system, then, is simply a tool to facilitate an infinite and free creativity, the side effect of which is harmony. If the effect is not harmony then the creation had a price and was not free and infinite, and hence non-divine and non self-aware. This reflects an inherent imperfection in the lens, an unbalanced perspective, false pre-conceptions, limiting beliefs, etc. etc.

Infinite means without limit, free means without sacrifice or compromise. If you are unable to create anything and everything you want without limit, sacrifice or compromise; and leave a trail of Kosmic harmony in your wake; then the lens is imperfect and the operating system flawed. This applies to individuals, cultures, races, nations; all of humanity as a whole.

In a harmonious world the individual creates freely and infinitely, yet the human race appears to be connected by one mind. In our world people fear mind control like the devil and this fear keeps their minds under complete control. Mind control is not what "one mind" is. Observing that the trillions of cells in your body are "programmed" to act in certain ways is an illusion created by harmony. In a healthy animal, humans included, each cell is creating freely and infinitely for itself and its own pleasure. Because, and only because, each cell is truly sentient, the perception from the outside is of a machine fulfilling its function.

This viewpoint of a machine devoid of consciusness is false and comes from a false "human" perception. The fact that we exist is evidence that all our cells in our body became fully sentient (not of course in the sense of a human being becoming self aware, but a sort of fundamental self awareness, less significant), and took their pleasure infinitely and freely. The end result of all this sentient awareness is harmoniously complex communities up to an including the human body.

People fear peace and harmony because they are afraid to lose their sense of self, their freedom. A healthier perspective, which leads to more power, is that the result of true freedom, and individualism, is a harmonious and peaceful world. The fact that we are so far from a harmonious and peaceful earth and humanity is direct evidence that most of the human race has fallen into slavery. They have been made someone else's bitch, and have no idea how to express their divinity. They are programmed, mechanical, sleeping slaves. Most of us have it even a little bit. Self awareness then, does not automatically apply full sentience.


So, the purpose and characteristics of a typical operating system are to classify the phenomena of the universe and record the relation between these phenomena. The idea is to create an infinite field of possibilities for analytic and synthetic thought. This infinite field is then, something that has emerged out of intellect, and differs from the intellect itself. The intellect can only relate things through contradiction. “This is like this, or this is not like that”. To break free from this inability to perceive truth and things as they actually are is the purpose of a NOOS.

Mind will be replaced and transmuted into something that is more evolved. By something that requires mind as fundamental to its existence, but has transcended mind and embraced it as a component part of its being. This is a higher faculty, the development of which is the purpose of a NOOS.

Just as in Windows and most modern operating systems for the computer, bundles of information are married together and displayed as a picture or symbol known as a “file”. Files are then stored in folders which allow for the user and the system itself to easily access required information. In a NOOS, we use a specialized alphabet to create files and folders. The letters of the alphabet themselves are used as folders of information. A specific set of ideas and other symbols known as correspondences are gathered together to create bundles of information, just like files. Files classified in folders are then used in specific ways to run programs, or in the case of a NOOS, beliefs. Beliefs can also be referred to as Dogmas. In addition, specific beliefs or dogmas have a mode of operation within the NOOS that is referred to as an archetype. This archetype (or the interactions between 2 or more archetypes) represents either the complete function of a system as a whole idea, or a root system in a system of oneness.

The purpose of the alphabet is to catalogue the sum total of all information currently residing in the brain as well as to catalogue all new experiences as they arise. Each letter is assigned attributions and correspondences. Letters begin as meaningless, and only take on a life and quality of their own when filled with the operator’s information. This means of course that the meaning of the letters is subjective.

The end result is that the mental structure obtains a simple and direct understanding by an association of ideas of what otherwise appears to be a vast and unknowable universe. An operating system hence shows us the common nature of certain things, the difference between other things, (which is the basic function of the mind and a basis for initial criticism) and finally, the connection of all things (directly perceived by a higher faculty).

NOOS 31 (formerly known as Qabalah 31) is specifically designed to:
1. Analyze every idea and experience in terms of the energy system of the human body (the subtle body).
2. Trace the connection and relation between every and any class of ideas by referring them to a standard of comparison
3. Translate any unknown system of symbols into terms of any known one by its means.

By acquiring an understanding of any one system, we may then automatically acquire an understanding of every system by relation to NOOS 31.

The first step is committing the attributes and correspondences of NOOS 31 to memory. The real purpose and experience of any operating system will not be revealed until the plan, maps, and attributions become the structure of the thinking apparatus rather than that which is being thought about. The brain must literally reconstitute its inner network (neuroplasticity). Once this is accomplished the operator will find new intuitive knowledge springing up from within. The universe will suddenly appear as one whole as the sum total of all the knowledge held in the brain will be unified. The intellect itself will be transformed into something new and emergent, and will become capable of self-transcendence and the ability to transmute the many into the one.

The letters have no absolute value on their own and are not simply forms. They must be understood as an interface between radically liberated empty consciousness and form. They are, in one sense, subtle classifications or perturbations (quantum fluctuations) in an otherwise stagnant unified field of energy.

The mind, as it is, is a mechanism used for dealing with impressions through symbol. An operating system takes advantage of this, and uses it to almost literally trick the mind into self-transcendence. Any group of symbols and their inherent catalogue of information creates beliefs and pre-conceptions. The mind (intellect) mistakes these beliefs (dogmas) as reality. The operating system is therefore used to manipulate these symbols for two purposes:
1. To loosen the hold of pre-conceptions on the mind so conscious control can be used to alter beliefs.
2. To witness the effect of experienced reality through alteration of beliefs.

The result is twofold. The operator attains the fundamental realization that belief is a tool for controlling experienced reality (magick), and that the operator itself is the witness which is radically free and devoid of all forms, watching all occurrences through the lens of the operating system.


dogma - a designation of the presence of a complete idea or "system of thought" in an observed paradigm

archetype - = A GOD; "The System" existing as one image or in a system of oneness.

(My definitions, applicable, for now, only to the following)

An archetype will be powerless in an incomplete or an incompletely understood dogma. A dogma must be fully assimilated and hardwired into the brain through an act of focus. A NOOS (which runs as its programs Dogmas) that is flexible to assimilate many dogmas (multiple programs) written for the before specified NOOS specifically would provide for a selection of dogmas, each one run as a program for the use of manipulating the archetype(s).

The result is an influence over the energies that you will tune into, and hence, draw towards you. In your world, your observable reality will change based on the energy that you have drawn in. The reaction and interaction between what is coming into your sphere of awareness, and what is already there will offer various selections of probabilities. The outside will have manifested as a reflection of your inner (altered) energies with a strength related to your skill and power of focus in assimilation of Dogma with the operating system. The result determines the action of the archetype.

If a "perfect union" is made, the result will be Godhead, which will allow probabilities to be accessed of the nature of miracles. Using operating systems and dogmas as a tool to create what we choose has been defined under a different word by Aleister Crowley.

Magick - the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will

Integrating an operating system into your brain, and integrating a dogma into your operating system, are two very different things. An operating system must be academically integrated. The intensity of the study of information and principles to properly and perfectly assimilate the operating system into the brain will require the amount and intensity of focus characteristic of any yogic mediation or devotional contemplation. This will literally rewire the neural net of the brain. The operating system and the power of focus will literally hardwire your brain. That is the way the brain works. Installing an operating system in your brain will alter your brain and that is the function of an operating system. An operating system utilizes this one function of your brain. The point is that you are either actively wiring your brain, or someone or something else is or already has. There is not much middle ground.

An inherent flaw in the NOOS is always its finite nature. It being a creation of the mind, we cannot yet run all dogmas perfectly. This means we have yet to find a perfect operating system. Operating systems that offer satisfying results are few and far between.

More primitive operating systems will be known by their lack of ability to run more than one program (dogma) at one time. This is also known as religion. Real operating systems come directly from the mind of the owner him/herself. Another humans NOOS will carry with it inherent and exceedingly undetectable dogmas when hardwired into your own brain, because mental communications are not possible without actively running a dogma on your NOOS. There is one form of communication, communion, which does not contain dogma and is congruent in its own way with focusing on the present moment of being. All words as such contain Dogma when being communicated, especially mine. Your thoughts as they take the form inside your head of words and dialogue are the static and noise of a primitive program/dogma.

Modern dogmas (beliefs) run by modern operating systems run smoothly, silently, and efficiently. Just as you may run old computer programs on your modern machine, modern operating systems can run old programs/dogmas. The result is usually the same...hysterical laughter.


Recurring cycles are a reflection (not an extension) of habits/programs/karma in the mind of the self. They should not be destroyed or opposed unless they are obviously pathological or destructive in a way that leads to regression. These recurring cycles serve to anchor the self in a given relative meaning, inside a unique context. Meaning and Belief are context bound, but contexts themselves are boundless. Without local relative meaning, the self is lost in space-time. Meaning is a part of the self. Meaning exists as a component of the self. Meaning is fundamental to the self.

To completely destroy all meaning and belief will most assuredly destroy the self, and will destroy any possibilities the self has in being transcended and included by the Self (capital "S", or I-I).

That being said, the shaman attempts to traverse into different dimensions through a de-centering of belief and meaning, thereby allowing a new meaning and hence, an altered self to arise.

The Magician attempts to first transcend the self, and in so doing experience the omega points of future evolution. As the Magician enters into these experiences more fully, the little self undergoes transmutation and begins to act in an illuminated fashion; whereby the Magicians belief and local meaning is altered at will to create a self that exists in the dimension "best possible" suited to assisting the general pull of transpersonal evolution forward.

The local relative meaning of the Magicians experience of future evolutionary commonplace allows formula to be deduced which guide others into the experience of the same omega point. At which point, the "other" may return and report his/her experience and deepen the database of local phenomenon. Recurring cycles, as they change and arise, are these local phenomenon.

It is by these observations and collection of data that the Magickal science is evolved.

All of these considerations make up the bulk of the purpose and characteristics of an operating system. NOOS is an abbreviation for Noospheric Operating System, which is simply a marketable name for my particular operating system that was formally known as Qabalah 31. Other names for operating systems are; Brain Operating System (BOS), Integral Operating System (IOS), etc. The best thing you could ever possibly do is learn an operating system that will allow you to transcend your little self, so that you may find a better way to help others transcend through the communication of your own personal operating system. It is through this type of community in this and in other fields that the evolution of humanity is affected.
"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi

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