Opening the Integral Enochian Temple (Revised)

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Opening the Integral Enochian Temple (Revised)

Post#1 » Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:07 pm

(For the method for drawing the infinity grams as well as an explanation of the formula, please see the essay 'The Temple of Nalvage', next message on this thread)

I. Go to the Interior Consciousness in the Northeast,

Relax your arms at your side, close your eyes and draw a deep breath from the top of your head down your anterior center channel (Conception Meridian, circulates the bodies yin energy, Nuit, “Find the One, Embrace the Many”) letting your abdomen and pelivs relax, breathing life and energy all the way down into your belly and first chakra. The feeling as you do this is an erotic “Yeeeesssssss”, an embrace (feminine) of life. As you exhale, make the sign of the enterer as you vibrate BITOM with your entire body using your voice to vibrate as much of your parts as you can. As you do this, feel the stored energy from your abdomen and pelvis moving up your posterior center channel (Governor Meridian, circulates the bodies yang energy, Hadit, “Embrace the Infinite Depth of your freedom, in order to find the one”) and releasing out the top of your head. The feeling as you do this is an erotic “oooohhhhh”, a release (masculine) into the freedom of death.

Make the sign of silence.

Grasping the wand, (or hands in prayer) :
Chant the Third Enochian Call

Draw the Infinity of I as you sing Luah
(Praising Angels) {1st person realization, I am God}

II. Go to the Relational Imminence in the Northwest,

As in step 1, but vibrate EXARP

Chant the Fourth Enochian Call

Draw the Infinity of We as you sing Lang
(Ministering Angels) {2nd person realization, “My Beloved”}

III. Go to the Exterior Matter in the Southwest,

As before, but vibrate NANTA

Chant the Fifth Enochian Call

Draw the Infinity of It as you sing Sach
(Confirming Angels){3rd person realization, “Web of Life”}

IV. Go to the Singular Presence in the Southeast,

As before, but vibrate HCOMA

Chant the Sixth Enochian Call

Draw the Infinity of Its as you sing Urch
(Confounding Angels) {A-perspectival realization, “Awakened Imminence”}

V. Chant:

Iaidon, tofglo ge, ag, ripir;
(Yai-don, tof-glo je, ag, ri-pir)
All Powerful, all things not, no one, no place;

Torzu, odo ca a s;
(Tor-zu, o-do ca ah es)
Arise, open as the four.

Ge cors fafen zildar g nalvage,;
(Je kors fa-fen zil-dar ji nal-vaj)
Not such that fly in avoidance of earthly things;

Oq ta ananael Ioiad,
(ok ta a-na-na-el I-yo-yad)
But as wisdom of Him that lives forever.

The last three lines are a variation of a quote from Ave speaking about the Great Table of the Watchtowers before revealing the individual seals of the watchtower.
“he it is that openeth the + (four –ed.), not such as fly away with the wind, but such as are pure, and without end.”

This ritual is designed to conform to the formula of the Tablet of Nalvage. It calls the 4 "presences" or Choirs of Angels, and opens their respective watchtower. The direction of the flow and the correspondences of the continents comes from the transmission of the tablet. I've included a .pdf for anyone interested in studying the ritual further.

"The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in." ~ Rumi

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