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Recommended Reading

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:29 am
by vovin
For those new to Enochian I recommend reading the following

* Enochian Magic for Beginners - Donald Tyson (Just take his Apocolyptic Interpretation with a pinch of salt)
* John Dee's Five Book Of Mystery (Joseph H Peterson)
* The Enochian World of Aleister Crowley (Enochian Sex Magic) Lon Milo Duquette , Hyatt
* Practical Angel Magic of Dr John Dee's Enochian Tables - David Rankine , Stephen Skinner
* Enochian Magick Of Dr. John Dee: The Most Powerful System of Magick in its Original, Unexpurgated Form by Geoffrey James.
* Anything by Benjamin Rowe we have plenty in our Libary
* The Life Of John Dee - Charlotte Fell-Smith (In Our Library)