Kabbalistic correspondences to be forgotten..

General Enochian Discussion.

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Kabbalistic correspondences to be forgotten..

Post#1 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:17 am

I have read, in numerous books, and papers that Enochian magick should be mastered as is as much as possible before trying to put any Kabbalistic meanings to it's structure. And if one has a strong foundation in the Qabalah, and knowledge of it (as I do, due to being a very devout practicing member of the G.'.D.'.) should lay that knowledge to the side while learning, and practicing Enochian until the Enochian system is most certainly "mastered." since Enochian is a self-contained, and unique form of magic in and of itself.

My question is: should I really not dig to deep into how the Qabalah relates to the Enochian structure, and the correspondeces between the two, without first really understanding and getting my "feet wet" with Enochian itself?

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