Lackluster results with Enochian

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Lackluster results with Enochian

Post#1 » Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:24 pm

I have a number of books on ceremonial magick, but not many with much on Enochian magick. But I do have the "Enochian Vision Magick" by Duquette, so I finally decided to give Enochian a try.
Basically I used that book to design everything: the table, sigillum, etc.. and have a crystal ball for skrying.

But have had dissapointing results with everything associated with Enochian so far, actually no results at all whatsoever.
I have experimented with the Goetia "lesser key of Solomon" and used seals from that before, and at least got some indication that the conjurations with that were at least having some effect, as I previously wrote about in another post on here some time back: 3 entities appearing fully visibly at the foot of my bed late one night during the period of time I was working with the Goetic seals, hearing them talking among themselves in a language unknown to me, occasional mild phenomenon in the house- items being moved.

But it would be nice to at least get some indication that something, anything is being accomplished with the Enochian rituals. Right now I'm about ready to throw all the Enochian items that took so long to make in a pile, and light a match to them, and go back to the Goetia seals again.

The books I have with Enochian information in them are Enochian vision magick, the Golden Dawn by Regardie, and Modern Magick by Kraig. So not really a lot of books with information about it.
Have a number of Pdf files saved on computer that have Angelic types of seals and conjurations in them, if anyone has had any success or results with any of these files I have on Pdf (Enochian or otherwise) let me know which ones worked well for you.

Pdf: Grimoire of Armadel
Grimoirium verum
Arbatel of magick
Grimoire of Honorius
Johannes Faust's The black raven
Grand Grimoire-Dark Lodge version
6,7,8th Books of Moses
Grimoire of Turiel
the Black Pullett
Libellus Magicus
Dogma Et Rituel 1,2.
Book of Occult Magick 1,2,3,4, Cornelius Agrippa
John Dee- Primus, Secundus, Tertius.

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