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pronunciation of some javanese words

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:50 pm
by heartk0re
from the finbarr book, The Powerful & Deadly Spells of the Javanese, how do you pronounce these words?:

1. Pucuk (poo-cook or puh-kok or something else?)
2. Berdiri (ber-dee-ree or ber-dur-ee?)
3. Pinang (pin-ANG rhyming with wang? or pin-AHng?)
4. Mari (MAR-ee or Mary or Muh-ree?) heh.
5. Di-pan-Dang (is the pan pronounced PAHN or PAN, rhyming with man?)
6. Ditanah (dee-tah-nuh or DIT-ahn-uh)

cuz i did recited this spell 3 times before stepping out the MAIN door like it said, and it didnt work, and it might've been because of the wrong pronunciation. *shrugs* or others reasons that it didnt work that i am un-aware of. it was for an Attraction spell.

i actually said it in the backyard sunroom with the sliding door closed so no one in the house could hear me since it's airtight in there, and then i had to turn off my laptop and THEN i went out the front door lol. could that be it? i dont know if the spell calls for you to literally say it right before you step out. :?