Angel manifestations or perceptions of

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.

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Angel manifestations or perceptions of

Post#1 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:09 am

about 3 or 4 years ago, I evoked a few angles via FrRO's Angleic Grmioire. I recieved very mixed results in terms of, well, results. In terms of what I expierienced. The least 'in your face' were Raphael (didn't feel anything) and Michael (barely felt anything in terms of a presence... didn't get much of anything from what I asked for from Raphael, but got great and VERY important results from Michael... . From the Angle of Saturn (forget his name right now) I saw in the periperhy of the room I evoked him in what I can best describe as a subtle 'cage of electrical energy... it was as if I was literally in a cage over which a slightly visibly perceivable current was travelling. Not sure if I got results from that encounter, though what I asked for was something not easily measurable in terms of success or failure.

Kamael and Gabriel? Those guys were hardcore in terms of what I felt, Kamael more so (duh)

I evoked Kamael first of all the Angles fomr that Grimoire. Difficult to explain what I felt and expierienced, but it was almost psychedelic... with a heavy dose of Amphetamine added. It was as if the whole room started shaking and buzzing on the atomic level, and something without well defined borders, something that was like an all pervasive non-physical smoke, sort of appeared, but also descended. I was literally shaking in my shoes... an automatic reaction. He didn't appear in the glass of water I was using for scrying, he was sort of all over, in and outside of the tiny circle I had drawn. What I asked for didn't really occur, oh well.

As for Gabriel, very similar in terms of how 'he' manifested, but much more subdued, and one of my main impressions was of the color blue. When I looked into the scrying glass of water, the manifestation, or at least a part of it, did seem to appear within it. The water was still in a physical sense, but it glistened and moved and sort of looked like one of those stranbge 'gel' projection special effects in those vids of 1960's psychedelic music shows. What I asked for from him did sort of manifest.

Well, now that I have gotten the convo started, if any of you are comfortable sharing your perceptions of these angels, do share.

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