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Moon conjunct Procyon in Cancer talisman election

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:35 pm
by ChronosSpeaks
The time is 10.53PM on 3 February 2023, moon hour is between 9.50-11.00PM The election is set for London, UK but you should be able to modify it for your own location.


The Moon is waxing and makes an applying trine to to the benefic Jupiter. The Moon is also conjunct the fixed star Procyon which grants the favour of men and gods, gives health and magical power.

It's good for all lunar things, but given the moons proximity to the fixed star Procyon, a lunar talisman for health or psychic ability is probably what I would make it for.

You could also change the election to make a Procyon talisman instead, depending on your location.

Warm regards