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Different angels/spirits but same/similar powers: why choose one over the other?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:02 pm
by Tamatoa
Hi guys, you're aware, there are many spirits/angels that have similar powers. For example, when it comes to love/romance/sex, the famous ones are:

- The archangel Anael
- The planetary (Olympic) spirit Hagith

My questions are:

1. When presented with multiple spirits with the same/similar powers, why would one choose one over the other? Is it the same thing as choosing whether to drive a Toyota Corolla vs. a Honda Civic car? i.e.: both are very similar, have minor differences, but both essentially accomplish the same thing (i.e.: drive us to places)? Thus, it really doesn't matter which one to choose as we can't go wrong with either one?

2. Referring specifically to the above names, why would one choose Anael over Hagith?

And why would one choose Hagith over Anael?

Does one of them work faster than the other? Does one of them provide stronger, longer lasting results? Or perhaps one is easier to contact over the other? Any other differences?