Planetary influence of Samhain/ Halloween/ Dia Del Muerte

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.
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Planetary influence of Samhain/ Halloween/ Dia Del Muerte

Post#1 » Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:39 pm

I'm working on a campaign that will be rolled out soon. It dawned on me to have my work blessed by the celestial/planetary influences of this Equinox. The product has a supernatural premise and would be perfect for Halloween engaged people (but not limited to Halloween).

I've never really specifically used seasonal energy before only with certain planetary influences, spirits and Angels on a day to day or project by project basis.

Which influence would be more appropriate? The moon or Saturn for this Halloween Equinox? I also am using sun energy to increase the enjoyment of the product; I feel having Saturn bless it for marketing growth might be to restricting, but we worked very hard on this all year and Saturn usually rewards Hardwork and reveals "hidden things".

The moon has its tie to spirits and magic and with the sun and moon I like the symbology of masculine and feminine because that is in the product as well.

Also is the yearly influence of Halloween planetary different or is it majorily under the same domain every year. My knowledge of astrology and charts is limited. I usually just communicate directly with the spirits. I'm looking to find the right combination.

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